Monday, April 25, 2011

Oh there you are, I've been looking for you forever

Ok so.. I bought tickets to Glasgow, Scotland. No return. Cuhrazy! I'm already thinking about how to decorate my lovely tenement flat (which I don't have yet) with photos on the walls of my friends and family and cards like this:

Photo via

Seriously, I'd die for a print on the wall that said "I want to snuggle the SHIT out of YOU." I'd hang it over my bed, naturally. Granted it would totally freak out any possible visitors of the opposite sex, but hey..

Also, I want to find really old suitcases to turn into tables. Because a) they look awesome and b) I won't have the time or the money to get real tables, much less move heavy things like said tables to the flat. Oh and c) I'd be able to actually fill them with stuff to bring to Scotland from Finland, solving the problem of furniture AND luggage at the same time.


In the midst of this dreaming I still have to waddle through the summer, which will be awesome I'm sure. I'm just so supermegacrazyawesome-excited about the fall. I JUST CAN'T.

I want my own home. Like this one.

But I guess I've finally made a decision that I'm going there, whether it'll turn out to be a good or a bad decision I don't know. And frankly, I don't even care.



I found about this story relating to the photo below a few days back. It was just so sad and touching. Everyone seems to portray Marilyn as this perfect woman with a perfect life when most likely, she lead a difficult life.

"In Marilyn Monroe, Avedon found a virtuoso of theatrical self-impersonation and with her pursued the mysterious point of convergence between actor and character, between the private self and the public role. “There was no such person as Marilyn Monroe,” he explained in an interview with the filmmaker Helen Whitney. “Marilyn Monroe was someone Marilyn Monroe invented, like an author creates a character.” 

Recalling the portrait session that took place in his studio on a May evening in 1957, he continued:

“For hours she danced and sang and flirted and did this thing that’s—she did Marilyn Monroe. And then there was the inevitable drop. And when the night was over and the white wine was over and the dancing was over, she sat in the corner like a child, with everything gone. I saw her sitting quietly without expression on her face, and I walked towards her but I wouldn’t photograph her without her knowledge of it. And as I came with the camera, I saw that she was not saying no.”

Source:Richard Avedon: Marilyn Monroe, Actress, New York City (2002.379.11) | Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History | The Metropolitan Museum of Art

This also goes to show how pictures can be many things. They can portray the truth or utter lies, they can evoke emotions of sadness or joy and everything in between. 


Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Monday, April 11, 2011

Dream homes

Crashing at the sister's is all fine and dandy for the budget but I really miss having a place of my own to decorate. I'll just have to keep on dreaming of these beautiful interiors until fall 2011. 


Friday, April 8, 2011


I miss you so much. 

These are all shots from Toronto, Ottawa or Newfoundland. I just loved the people, the country and everything there is. I also think that a significant part of this yearning is about the fact that Canada was the first country I spent a longer time living in besides Finland. But still, still I love it and miss it and have to go back someday. Just wish it weren't so far away. Damn you Atlantic Ocean.


My level of productivity


Thursday, April 7, 2011

Vintage Feel

These photos capture everything I love about photography. They're so honest and simple without all the photoshopping they use today. Talk about inspiration. 


All the Pretty Birds

I'm aiming at finishing my bachelor's thesis next week and it's really a realistic goal as long as I start doing things and stop fooling about. 

Maybe I can do some retail therapy after this immersion in studies.. 



Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Chart Time

So these are fairly accurate. Except I try not to eat food off the floor (most of the time and specially not bacon, ewwww).  


Random Pieces

Random Things I like